When You’ve Got a Junk Problem
Call The Boss

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We’re Your Local

Junk Removal Pros

  • Local Veterans. Junk Boss is your hometown solution for junk removal in the Seacoast and the surrounding areas!
  • Professional. Our crew will do all the lifting, loading, moving, and hauling!
  • Honest. We’re a hardworking crew providing quality services at a great value!

How It Works


Show us what needs to go and we’ll give you a firm quote for the job.


Call the Boss or book online at your convenience. Same-day pickup is available!

Heads Up

We’ll give you a ring before we arrive so you can be ready.


We’ve got a truck, trailer, know-how, and a whole lot of muscle!


First we load up the big stuff, then we clean up the small stuff.

Settling Up

You can pay your final bill with cash, check, card, or Venmo.

Junk Boss Logo

Same and Next Day Service Available

You don’t have to wait around for junk removal in the Seacoast! That’s because Junk Boss offers fast and friendly service on your schedule. Same-day and next-day appointments are available. We’re on call to serve you!

Just tell us about your junk removal needs and we’ll get you on the books ASAP!

Veteran-Owned and Operated in

The Seacoast

Junk Boss is locally owned and operated by a US Veteran! Our home base is in Nottingham, NH, and our service area covers the Seacoast and the surrounding communities. You can book online anytime or call (603) 706-3507 to talk to the boss! The Junk Boss!


Call 603-706-3507 for an instant service quote!